2012年12月11日 星期二

Makeover Tuesday- 古坑民宿「田心12號」店中店 Fyntage Shop

前次介紹 Fyntage工作室的文章有提到,當時土角厝的主屋被民國75年的韋恩怪颱破壞之後,阿祖阿嬤的生活起居就移到邊厝這邊來。你們現在看到的是客廳的部分,不過主屋重建之後,邊厝客廳也難免又淪為儲藏室(基本上後來整個邊厝都是儲藏室了啦!)而這裡,就是我們想要改造成店鋪的地方。

關於這個客廳,我腦海中印象最深刻的有兩件事:小時候回來過暑假,我喜歡坐在這個客廳左側的一排藤椅,看著客廳右側只有三台頻道、需要旋鈕的拉門電視機,然後面前擺上一竹簍的荔枝,邊吃邊看節目,忘我地吃到流鼻血... 還有一件比較難過的記憶,就是有一晚上我在這邊看電視,堂哥在廚房大灶生火燒水,我突然聽到門外有奇怪的唉唉呻吟,但因為戶外一片漆黑,當下心裡著實害怕,叫喚堂哥過來才趕踏出大門,定睛一看才發現竟然是阿祖摔跤,整個人趴臥在地上!那時候並沒有手機這些便利的聯繫方式,趕緊叫鄰居打電話找回大人 ,送阿祖去醫院。如今我都還懊悔著,如果小時候勇敢一點,立刻跑出去處理,是不是就可以讓阿祖免於中風、長命百歲呢?

In previous article about how we set up Fyntage Studio, I have mentioned that great grandma and grandma's living area had shifted to the side house due to the damage of main house by Typhoon Wayne in 1986. What you just saw is the living room of side house which sadly had been used as store room after the main house was rebuilt. And this is the place we planned to transform into a souvenir shop.

I have 2 vivid memories about this living room in childhood. I used to come back here for summer vacations, and I loved to sit on rattan bench and watch TV, the old kind with sliding door TV set, and had a full basket of lychee at the same time till I got my nose bleeding... (Lychee is a kind of fruit that cause in-flaming based on Chinese medicine) The other story is a little bit sad. One night I was watching TV as usual, and my cousin (1 year older brother) was making fire to boil water by the brick stove in the kitchen. I suddenly heard some whining out side the door. It was dark and I was too scared, so I cried for cousin to company me to check it out. Then I realized it was my great grandma fell on the ground! There was no cellphone back that time, we ran to neighbors for help and sent great grandma to hospital. Till now I still feel regretful for not being brave enough to go out at once, or I could have prevent her stroke and make her live longer.

Well, got carried away, let's get back to the transformation. The first thing we fixed was the wood doors. They are still reliable after being scorched and drenched by sun and rain for years, only some erosion at the bottom and the base of the door frame. So we enhanced it by adding another board to the door and sealed the cavity of the base by concrete. I think they could stand for another decade after varnishing. Then was to clean out the piles of stuff stored there. Those concrete walls are perfect to be background for pictures, so there was a time the living room was Fyn's studio for her vintage clothe photo shooting. After accumulating more crafted accessories, she started to decorate her shop. Fyn used great grandma' wardrobes and recycled wood drawers to be her display cabinets, hollowed out paper board and lit night light to be her signboard. And Fyntage Shop is officially open! Welcome for treasure hunting and happy shopping!



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