非常感謝各界好友的情義相挺,從台北、高雄、台中等地前來支援與共襄盛舉。最大的幕後功臣是謝小寶,整整花了五個日夜的時間,憑藉她的專業知識與技術,幫我們接出了水電,也張羅了PA設備。有水,就能有吧台酒水;有電,就能有燈光音響。為了豐富活動內容,特別邀請到台北DJ Fokker的精彩打碟、雲科大熾舞社的火舞表演,以及美國吉他手Scott McHugh的不插電演唱。
I have thrown parties with my friends over a decade, but this was my very first time having one outside of a city. Beginning was simply a college reunion for Fyn, the scale just went bigger in preparation progress. The main reason was no water and power supply on the roof, so we had to do some construction to get them. And since there would be water and power, why not go bigger!
Super thanks to friends coming from Taipei, Kaohsiung and Taichung to help and support. Huge thanks to Xiao-Bow who took 5 days and nights to connect water and power up to roof, and also help on sound effect arrangement. With water, we could have a bar; with power, we could have lights and speakers. In order to make an appealing show, we had invited DJ Fokker from Taipei, Fire Dance Club from Yunlin University, and Scott McHugh for unplugged concert.
It has rained for a week before the event day, even Xiao-Bow had to risk her life to connect power in the rain. Fortunately we were so blessed to have a good weather on that day, the moon and stars also showed up at the night, that really made everyone enjoyed the best time ever.
為了讓來賓容易找到我們,在圍牆上用水管燈造字!We hung rope lights to make signs so that guests could find us easily. |
大葉欖仁樹掛滿彩色緞帶和蠟燭,搖曳生姿地迎接來賓。Welcome Tree!! |
舊天線桿掛上彩虹風箏,點上蠟燭,增添浪漫氣氛!A rainbow kite hung on the old TV antenna and candle lights created the romantic atmosphere. |
為了讓大家盡興,我們還準備了不同的調酒喔!We tried our best to satisfied our guests with different kinds of cocktails. |
忙碌的酒吧!可能是因為氣溫較低,一口酒特別受歡迎呢!Busy bar! Shot was very popular in low temperature.
首先是由DJ Fokker用音樂為大家熱場!在寬敞的戶外聽電子音樂,感覺更通體舒暢!DJ Fokker heated up the floor by awesome music! It felt even better listening techno outside the club! |
令人摒息又精彩絕倫的火舞表演!Breathtaking fire dance performance! |
優美的木吉他和Scott迷人的歌聲,征服了在場所有的人。Scott McHugh's guitar and beautiful voice had charmed we all. |
經過一晚的跳舞、喝酒,看完魔幻的火舞演出,夜半時分的不插電音樂會,讓大家聽得如癡如醉,為這美好的夜晚劃下美麗的句點。After the excitement of dancing and visual impact of the fire dance, the unplugged concert was the best closure of the night. |