2012年12月18日 星期二

Makeover Tuesday- 古坑民宿「田心12號」菜園 Garden


除草工作也很繁複,常常這邊除完,另一頭又長出來... 最辛苦的就是爸爸,拿著鋤頭鬆土、整出一塊塊小區域,再分批栽植我們喜愛的蔬菜、香料植物,還得不厭其煩地抓菜蟲、施肥。看著種子成為幼苗,幼苗開始茁壯,開花、結果,一直到收成,經過媽媽的好手藝成為美味健康的盤中飧,原本像個小叢林的菜園,終於成為名符其實的「開心農場」!

From the old wall painting in the back of the first picture, it was how it looked like of the original garden of Sweet House No.12. There is a well in the garden. And I remembered that many women in this village would come here for laundry and chatting every morning when I was a child. After the water supply were set, fence were built, this area became self-satisfied garden for my great grandma and grandma as it could be watered by the well. It has been abandoned after they passed away, although there was a neighbor came to plant her own vegetables, it was still overgrown of the weeds. Especially the well area, it would become a small pond after raining every time.

Weeding is an annoying, iterant job, they just never stop growing! Dad earns all credit by spending so much time and efforts on it. From weeding to planting, he organized the garden into several areas to seeding all different kinds of veges and spices that we like.  Looking those baby sprout growing bigger and bigger everyday, turn into flower, turn into fruits...turn into Mom's recipe :) We are so grateful to every meal we have on table!


If you have a land, even just a small balcony, we encourage everyone to squeeze some time with nature in your busy daily life. Feel the magic of sprout growing and the balance in the world. From nothing to everything, I hope you understand what I'm talking about through the following pictures.=)



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