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開車 Car (Self-Driving)

  1. 國道1或3號皆可 Take National Freeway No.1 or No. 3.
  2. 銜接台78線快速道路至古坑交流道下 Connect to Expressway No.78, and take Gukeng ramp.
  3. 往斗六方向前進,約100公尺可見右邊「田心社區」歡迎碑 Toward Douliu direction, drive about 100M and see the "Tianxin Village" stela (a heart shape) on the right.
  4. 右轉即可入村 Take a right turn to enter the village
  5. 衛星導航可輸入經緯度 Latitude: 23.66844, 120.5431
  6. 或定位「溝壩國小」,走「雲193鄉道」進村。
  1. 搭乘台鐵至「斗六火車站」Take TRA to Douliu Station.
  2. 前站出口對面有「斗六計程車行」"Douliu Taxi Service" across front gate.
  3. 告知司機到「田心村」車價NT$150 (算趟次,不計里程) Fixed fare of NT$150 to Tianxin Village. (No mileage rate.)
  4. 備註:為避免車站前的排班司機亂喊價,建議過個馬路直接向「斗六計程車行」叫車 Tip: Strongly suggest to hire the cab at the "Douliu Taxi Service" company across the road instead of those waiting at front gate to avoid unreasonable charge. 
  1. 搭乘日統巴士至「斗六站」下車 Take Solar Bus to Douliu Station.
  2. 步行約1分鐘至「斗六計程車行」About 1min walk to "Douliu Taxi Service"
  3. 告知司機到「田心村」車價NT$150 (算趟次,不計里程) Fixed fare of NT$150 to Tianxin Village. (No mileage rate.)
  4. 備註:為避免車站前的排班司機亂喊價,建議過個馬路直接向「斗六計程車行」叫車 Tip: Strongly suggest to hire the cab at the "Douliu Taxi Service" company across the road instead of those waiting at front gate to avoid unreasonable charge. 

租機車 Rent A Scooter

  1. 中華機車出租行(斗六火車站前):每部車均 125CC,均以 3 小時 200 元起跳;超過每小時 70 元計算,全日 600 元 (油費自理),營業時間24H。其它細節問題可撥打洽詢電話: (05)5322014 或 0912-311652。
    Chung-Hua Scooter Rental (Front Gate of TRA Station): NT$300/3hrs, NT$70/extra hr, NT$600/day. Business hour: 24H. For inquiry call: (05)5322014 or 0953-360765
  2. 翔順機車行(後火車站台西客運正對面) 每部車均 125c c,均以 3 小時 210 元起跳;超過每小時 70 元計算,全日 500 元 (油費自理),營業時間 09 :00~21:00。其它細節問題可撥打洽詢電話:(05)5361976。
    Xianshuen Scooter Rental (Rear Gate of TRA Station): NT$210/3hr, NT$70/extra hr, NT$500/day. Business hour: 9am-9pm. For inquiry call: (05)5361976.



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