2019年6月14日 星期五

如何認識與聯繫我們? How to know and reach us?


Hello! It's amazing that you can find this page which is not listed on the first page of Google search. Compare to Facebook page where shows our recent activities, this one is more like information station of Sweet House No.12. You can instantly find anything you need about room types, price, regulation, location, transportation, our environment, history and press reports by simply clicking above tabs.


You are welcome to know us more by visiting our Facebook page. We aperiodically share B&B events, life stories, trivia, and of course, cat photos. Please do check our albums. (it took me great time to organize them.) You would see how we transformed the cozy country B&B from an old grandma house, and can also send private message to us for room availability.

#雲林民宿 #古坑民宿 #推薦第一名



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