2015年6月18日 星期四

阿國獅魷魚羹 A-GuoShi Squid Stew

「阿國獅魷魚羹」在地經營超過60年,深獲各大媒體喜愛,知名行腳節目「草地狀元」特別將阿國獅封為「魷魚狀元」,也是各地來訪旅客必定拜訪品嚐的美食之一 。創立近六十年歷史的阿國獅魷魚焿,從阿根廷進口魷魚,肉身新鮮厚實、富嚼勁。店家以人工挑選魷魚嘴,較大顆的魷魚嘴以紅燒醬滷,較小顆者則搭配羹湯上桌,鮮美的魷魚羹搭配十多種選擇的小菜,讓人吃得飽足,頗受當地人喜愛。 老闆顏權國說,只有北海道產的赤魷品種魷魚嘴最好吃,因體型夠大,約三~四尾一斤,比一般魷魚大兩、三倍,肉質也夠Q,以昆布滷汁滷上兩天,是到此才吃得到的美味。

人稱「阿國獅」的老闆,從小就看父親擺攤賣台灣小吃,為了傳承美味,老闆堅持使用柴魚、昆布、米酒與獨家中藥秘方熬煮湯頭,並精選雲林當地筍絲等農特產,打上蛋花,煮出風味濃郁的魷魚焿,讓許多主顧一吃就是多年。 招牌菜色有: 爌肉飯-精選肥瘦比例適中的三層肉部位,以獨家香料滷製約半天時間,讓滷肉香與米香兩相融合,讓人食指大動; 滷魷魚嘴-挑選大顆的魷魚嘴,肉質厚實且彈性十足,滷汁風味不油不膩,相當下飯。 白菜滷-大白菜添加柴魚和扁魚高湯一起熬煮,泛著油亮的光澤感,入口清脆香甜。2012年更榮獲為「台灣小吃一百名店」店家!


地址:雲林縣斗六市 大同路112號

Squid soup is the best known snack food in Douliu. Aguoshi is its founding vendor. The second generation owner, Yan Quanguo, is expanding and carrying forward the old skill from his father into the landscape of Douliu’s snack food, and earned him the name of King of Squid. He created the “Mouth King Squid Soup”. The junior Yan changed the brand to Aguoshi as too many imitators crammed in this market. The tastiest squid are the red squid from Hokkaido, Japan, for their sizes, usually two or three times bigger than normal squid and weigh 150-200 grams per piece, and elastic meat. Stewed in kelp marinade for two days, the Aguoshi squid soup is available only here.

Growing in a Taiwanese snack food vendor family, the owner of Aguoshi stick to stew the soup with dried fish, kelp, rice wine and an exclusive Chinese herb formula plus domestic specialty bamboo shoot shreds and egg drops for sustaining tastes and old customers’ continuous returning.

Specialty cuisine:
Rice with braised meat – Braised pork belly with well proportioned fat and lean meat in exclusive spices for half a day. Combined flavor of rice and pork belly attracts you to eat non stop!
Braised squid– Braise large size squid for its hefty meat and elasticity. Tasty and not greasy soup is the choice second to none for a bowl of rice.
Stewed cabbage – Stewed together with dried fish and flat fish. Crispy and sweet cabbage flashes with fish oil.
Aguoshi Squid Soup, one of the Top 100 Taiwanese Snack Food winners in 2012 is waiting for your coming!



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