古坑民宿「田心12號」 開市大吉 Grand Opening
民國101年10月12日(農曆八月廿七)午時,是開市的良辰吉時,在此昭告各位,古坑民宿「田心12號」正式開張啦! Today, Oct 12th, 2012, is Aug 27th in Lunar calendar. According to Lunar calendar, this is a good day to grandly open a business! "Sweet House No.12", the finest B&B in Gukeng, Yunlin, is official opening today!
我們準備了豐盛的祭品祭拜五路財神,告知我們民宿生意正式開張,希望保佑我們生意興隆! 我和爸媽都虔誠地祈禱著,請求五路財神、諸天護法,及土地神祇都能保佑我們。We prepared a feast to treat God of Five-Way Wealth to bless our new B&B business. My parents and I were all praying sincerely.
鞭炮越大大聲,名氣越響亮!開市祭典圓滿結束,田心12號正式營運!The louder sound, the better luck. Sweet House No.12 is now officially in business!